
Showing posts from July, 2024


Privacy The host Juan Enriquez talks about digital tattoos, and how not only the image we put out of ourselves online is important and will never go away, but certain companies and programs can use the information we put out about ourselves against us. The thing that scared me most about his speech was the part about, a facial recognition site, and how it was bought by one of the most influential and powerful services online, Facebook. This will help them track our sense of style, our preferences online, and much more. Our image online will never die because of this service, and that scared me listening to it. I do not worry about this very much because I do not put out very much on social media, and only really post on an art-related page I run. however, it is scary to think that our digital footprint, and even information through facial recognition will never be erased from the internet. Catherine Crump talks bout how advanced weaponry, surveillance equipment, and location i

Final Post

My Relationship with Technology After watching the Futurama video, I am feeling a little envious of their mindset. Technology has come so far in so many ways, and the Futurama ride actually did depict what some things would be like in the future such as the communal living in the rocky mountains, and some of the technology used in space. They seemed to be thinking very positively, and taking the route of talking about new inventions, and not the social changes that come with new inventions. The most interesting part of that video for me personally was the community on the moon, and it makes me laugh because we have not been back to the moon in years. After all, there is really no point in doing so. Overall, the video was very optimistic if not dreamlike, and somewhat realistic with their predictions of new inventions. The Julien West video covers the more negative aspects and social changes that come with technological improvement. This video is far more recent than the Futurama one, a

EOTO Com Tech

Camera Phones Camera phones are a norm in many cell phone owners day to day to day life. Even if it is not always in use, it is convenient to simply pull your phone out of your pocket whenever you desire to take a picture. Camera phones have drastically changed the way we interact with our surroundings and with each other. Without the creation of this revolutionary device, there would be no social media, user-based content, Facetime, and many programs that we use daily. We take this incredible device for granted, and we forget how important of a role it plays in the way we see the world. The first camera phone ever was released in either Japan or South Korea (there seems to be some debate about this) in the year 2000. There also appears to be some debate about which model of phone housed the first camera phone. For example, the Samsung SCH - V200, released in June of 2000 in South Korea did have a built-in camera with the cell phone itself, but those features were intertwined together

Speech Theories 8 values

Individual Self-Fulfillment & Promoting Tolerance The Eight Ideals of Free Speech hold great importance because they form the foundation of our society. These ideals include a wide range of concepts that are necessary for free and inclusive societies to function and guard against censorship and the deterioration of democratic ideals. Upholding the principles of free expression is essential for safeguarding constitutional rights, advancing knowledge, and ensuring that constitutional societies flourish globally. These values include promoting diverse viewpoints, fostering public debate, and ensuring that people are held accountable. These eight principles can help us understand the significance of free expression in a connected and evolving society. Considering all of this, I believe the most important value of free expression is individual self-fulfillment and promoting tolerance. The concept of individual self-fulfillment essentially means that we have the right to form our own opi

Supreme Court

 I did not know much about the Supreme Court, and these videos opened, my eyes to many different things. I had yet to learn there were just under 100 justices. I know that they served for a long time and that many are waiting to take the current justice's place, but for some reason, I thought there would be more. I also learned they receive 100 new cases per week or 7000 per year. What's even more shocking is that they only accept about 100 a year. They all have to figure out together which ones are really worth the time and effort to vote on.  I think the biggest takeaway is that such a small group of people are in charge of so much that goes on in our country, I already knew this but seeing it in the video and listening to them explain the inner workings of their job is shocking to me. It does bring me comfort that they are not just changing anything about the US that they do not like or agree with, but they are dealing with issues the people have spoken out about. I think th

Top 5 News Sources

TikTok  I do not really watch the news, so the most consistent source of news for me would be TikTok. Yes, it is easy to spread misinformation and falsehooods on social media like TikTok, but it also allows for a variety of different opinions and viewpoints to be displayed on the same platform, which is very rare nowadays. It is basically a big mish-mash of everyone's thoughts online, and hearing everyone's viewpoints is very refreshing. You do have to watch out for misinformation on this app, but that is the same for other news sources so it is not a huge deal.  ( NBC Connecticut NBC CT is our local news channel where I live. I do not go out of my way to watch it, but whenever I go to the gym after work, all the TVs are always blasting it. They are often talking about current events and crime near me and I think when you hear something that happens on the news that is closer to you, it makes you care a little more. Most of the things they