

The host Juan Enriquez talks about digital tattoos, and how not only the image we put out of ourselves online is important and will never go away, but certain companies and programs can use the information we put out about ourselves against us. The thing that scared me most about his speech was the part about, a facial recognition site, and how it was bought by one of the most influential and powerful services online, Facebook. This will help them track our sense of style, our preferences online, and much more. Our image online will never die because of this service, and that scared me listening to it. I do not worry about this very much because I do not put out very much on social media, and only really post on an art-related page I run. however, it is scary to think that our digital footprint, and even information through facial recognition will never be erased from the internet.

Catherine Crump talks bout how advanced weaponry, surveillance equipment, and location information are being distributed at an alarming rate across the entirety of America. Our private lives are unknowingly being exposed and listened in on by law enforcement, and other government-run companies. Things like cameras on toll roads are tracking wherever we go. I knew much of this already, and it does concern me but I know I cannot do anything about it, so I tend not to worry too much. We are already being tracked by our cell phones all day every day, I think everyone knows that. Yet we still carry them around with us like nothing is happening. Since people my age grew up in this kind of environment, we have gotten comfortable having no privacy, but that does not make it right. It is scary to think that none of us have a moment to ourselves where we are not being listened to, tracked, or watched in some way. 

Christoper Hoigian starts by saying that phone companies have almost always been listening to our phone calls, and it has recently gotten even more scary. Nowadays, wiretap and listening systems run by our government, or other organizations are now fully encrypted into our communication devices. There is almost always someone listening to our private phone calls and conversations.

All of these realities that have been talked about through all of these videos are horrifying, and the fact that all of these different systems and organizations can listen to us and track us, and recognize our faces, monitor our activity is very unsettling. I am unsettled but I also know that there is little to nothing I can do about it. This is the reality that my generation has grown up with, and constant listening has always been a part of life here in the US and around the world, even though it has not been painfully obvious. The biggest and most effective way to fight against these systems is to throw your phone away, but that does not mean your face will not be recognized on If there is nothing we can do about it.



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