Top 5 News Sources


 I do not really watch the news, so the most consistent source of news for me would be TikTok. Yes, it is easy to spread misinformation and falsehooods on social media like TikTok, but it also allows for a variety of different opinions and viewpoints to be displayed on the same platform, which is very rare nowadays. It is basically a big mish-mash of everyone's thoughts online, and hearing everyone's viewpoints is very refreshing. You do have to watch out for misinformation on this app, but that is the same for other news sources so it is not a huge deal.


NBC Connecticut

NBC CT is our local news channel where I live. I do not go out of my way to watch it, but whenever I go to the gym after work, all the TVs are always blasting it. They are often talking about current events and crime near me and I think when you hear something that happens on the news that is closer to you, it makes you care a little more. Most of the things they talk about are not very important to me personally, but I do enjoy watching it when I see it.



I enjoy consuming news from YouTube because it is often easier to consume a video than reading a long article. You can just watch or listen while doing another activity and you will be consuming the news all the same. Many channels provide unbiased news and can explain things in a very detailed and thorough manner. There are also a large variety of opinions on this site which makes it easier for everyone to find something they enjoy.



I mostly use Instagram for entertainment, and not news, but many accounts post a headline, and then a follow-up post about current events, sports or any other kind of news. It is usually easy to consume, and since I already use Instagram pretty often, it is easy to find stories on accident when I am scrolling. Like some of the other social media sites, there is a wide variety of creators and opinions, so there is something for everyone to consume on this app.


My Dad

My dad is the only person I seriously talk to about politics, and what is happening around the world politically and economically. I do not consume a lot of news, but my dad often educates me about certain issues. My Dad is one of the most intellegent and educated people I know, and I trust him whenever we talk about certain topics. We often talk about the possibility of the next World War, and how this upcoming presidential election might be the biggest one of my lifetime. 



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