Final Post

My Relationship with Technology

After watching the Futurama video, I am feeling a little envious of their mindset. Technology has come so far in so many ways, and the Futurama ride actually did depict what some things would be like in the future such as the communal living in the rocky mountains, and some of the technology used in space. They seemed to be thinking very positively, and taking the route of talking about new inventions, and not the social changes that come with new inventions. The most interesting part of that video for me personally was the community on the moon, and it makes me laugh because we have not been back to the moon in years. After all, there is really no point in doing so. Overall, the video was very optimistic if not dreamlike, and somewhat realistic with their predictions of new inventions. The Julien West video covers the more negative aspects and social changes that come with technological improvement. This video is far more recent than the Futurama one, and therefore more accurately depicts today's predicament, if not in a dramatized way. Everyone is glued to their phones, and how tech advancements have drastically changed the way we think and operate in negative ways. 

 My personal relationship with technology is slightly different from most people I know. many people in my age group use technology mostly for social media I use technology in a way that promotes my creative habits. I have a Wacom tablet that I can hook up to my Macbook, and I can draw and paint digitally through it. I have formed very healthy habits from using this kind of technology. During the week, I rarely use it, but on weekends, I draw for several hours at a time through this digital tablet and can create beautiful art pieces in the process. Having easy access to this tool has encouraged me to get more creative, and it made me want to make more art. I am also selling several pieces of art I have created through a local comic book shop. This piece of technology has really changed my life, and I have found great joy in using it. I think a negative about the use of this kind of technology, and a problem with all tech that involves the use of screens up close is eye damage. I often draw just inches from my screen, and sometimes after a while my eyes feel heavy and dry, and now and then I may have a headache. Even though it has such a positive influence on my life, the screens are unhealthy and may cause irreversible damage in the future.

Another way I use technology is through video games. Many people my age struggle with too much time on their gaming consoles or PCs, playing for many hours a day every day, and I used to have this same problem. I have now developed healthy habits for using this technology, and I use it in moderation, and almost strictly use it for interacting with friends and playing games with them. My friends and I often play games together, and that brings us closer as friends. As long as it is in moderation, video games can be a healthy escape from the real world, and they bring millions together every day.

I think my digital footprint is relatively positive. Most of the things I post on social media, or use on a LinkedIn profile are about my art. I have an Instagram account dedicated to just my art, and I have gotten some attention on it from the people close to me, but not much more than that. My art creation is a very important part of my life, and that is what I put out online. I do use several social media services, but I do not find myself making content on most of them, I mostly just consume it. I have also worked on media projects here at HPU, such as several sports broadcasts, and a few short films. This would show anyone who is looking at the digital footprint that I am interested in the creation side of technology, which could help land future jobs in my field. 

This concludes my relationship with technology. I feel as if modern tech has allowed me to find out who I am and to become a more creative person. Yes, it is very much a give-and-take relationship with modern tech, but I think there are more positives than people think. We have come so far with our relationships with each other and our interconnectedness through the internet, and now millions of people around the world can interact with a few clicks of a button. There are obviously negatives, and excessive use of screens is detrimental to mental health, but people often forget that these services promote so much good too.



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