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Camera Phones

Camera phones are a norm in many cell phone owners day to day to day life. Even if it is not always in use, it is convenient to simply pull your phone out of your pocket whenever you desire to take a picture. Camera phones have drastically changed the way we interact with our surroundings and with each other. Without the creation of this revolutionary device, there would be no social media, user-based content, Facetime, and many programs that we use daily. We take this incredible device for granted, and we forget how important of a role it plays in the way we see the world.

The first camera phone ever was released in either Japan or South Korea (there seems to be some debate about this) in the year 2000. There also appears to be some debate about which model of phone housed the first camera phone. For example, the Samsung SCH - V200, released in June of 2000 in South Korea did have a built-in camera with the cell phone itself, but those features were intertwined together. No images could be sent from the phone itself, and the person who took the picture would have to plug the phone into a computer, download the photos, and then send them from the computer. The very first phone camera that could send images and videos back and forth digitally was the Sharp J - SH04, released only months later in November of 2000 in Japan. 

When this device was released to the public, there was speculation about what this invention could entail for the future of tech development. The creation of the camera phone also eventually led to the creation of smartphones, and digital images, which then gave rise to social media sites such as Instagram, twitter or X, TikTok, Snapchat, and many more. People talked about capturing memories with their friends, communicating through photos with insurance companies to prove claims, and even using the cameras for infiltration. However, the most intriguing prediction was that of live video calls. This was completely correct with the evolution from simple camera phones to the creation of Skype, and later Facetime and Zoom. After Covid 19, the video call features on almost all phones have become an absolute must, and now even some businesses are run completely online or through programs like Zoom. 

The creation of the camera phone was also the catalyst for user-based content and the creation of social media as we know it today. Before the creation of phone cameras, there were very few platforms to share visual content on the internet. After the creation, in 2005, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim founded the site known as YouTube. This website allows users to upload their own videos from their cameras or their phones. This was a huge step in popularizing the phone camera, and at this point, manufacturers began to put more time and effort into developing the camera features on phones. This led to the current situation where nearly every single person in the world has easy access to some of the most high quality cameras ever created.






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